Thread: BUG #2496: Troubles with fixed-point types (NUMERIC, DECIMAL,...)

BUG #2496: Troubles with fixed-point types (NUMERIC, DECIMAL,...)

"Heinz-Peter Heidinger"
The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:      2496
Logged by:          Heinz-Peter Heidinger
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 8.x
Operating system:   all (Linux & Win was tested)
Description:        Troubles with fixed-point types (NUMERIC, DECIMAL,...)

OpenOffice 1.x/2.x & StarOffice7/..8 cannot write fixed-point values
(NUMERIC|DECIMAL) to a PGSQL database when using a JDBC interface and a
desktop locale of 'german' (maybe others as well) is used.

The resulting message is:

    ERROR: column <XXX> has type numeric but
    expression has type character varying.

Platforms: Linux & WinXP
DBdriver: JDBC3
DBMS: PostgreSQL V8.x (8.0.3)
OO: OOo V2.0 DE, StarOffice7 & 8

Table definition by DDL:
    id serial NOT NULL,
    price numeric(5,2),
    payed bool,
    CONSTRAINT test_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)

Re: BUG #2496: Troubles with fixed-point types (NUMERIC, DECIMAL,...)

"William ZHANG"
Can you set "log_statement" in postgresql.conf and post the logged

With regards,
William ZHANG

----- Original Message -----
From: ""Heinz-Peter Heidinger"" <>
Newsgroups: pgsql.bugs
Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2006 3:44 PM
Subject: BUG #2496: Troubles with fixed-point types (NUMERIC, DECIMAL,...)

> The following bug has been logged online:
> Bug reference:      2496
> Logged by:          Heinz-Peter Heidinger
> Email address:
> PostgreSQL version: 8.x
> Operating system:   all (Linux & Win was tested)
> Description:        Troubles with fixed-point types (NUMERIC, DECIMAL,...)
> Details:
> OpenOffice 1.x/2.x & StarOffice7/..8 cannot write fixed-point values
> (NUMERIC|DECIMAL) to a PGSQL database when using a JDBC interface and a
> desktop locale of 'german' (maybe others as well) is used.
> The resulting message is:
>    ERROR: column <XXX> has type numeric but
>    expression has type character varying.

Re: BUG #2496: Troubles with fixed-point types (NUMERIC, DECIMAL,...)

"William ZHANG"
The logged statement is:

    INSERT INTO "public"."junk"  ( "preis" ) VALUES ( $1 )

If you send it via psql, pgsql will raise error:

    ERROR:  there is no parameter $1

I don't know why you got the error message saying "type mismatch".
But sending the following statement via psql will cause the similar error
you got:

    PREPARE foo (VARCHAR) AS INSERT INTO "junk" ( "preis" ) VALUES ( $1 )

Can you change the parameter "log_error_verbosity" to "verbose", and
send me the log file?

William ZHANG

----- Original Message -----
From: "ComServe IT-Services" <>
To: "William ZHANG" <>
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 10:25 PM
Subject: Re: BUG #2496: Troubles with fixed-point types

> Hello William,
> Am Di, den 27.06.2006 schrieb William ZHANG um 17:01:
>> Can you set "log_statement" in postgresql.conf and post the logged
>> statements?
> Sure. See the appended screen-shot "Whole-screen.png"
> Also appended is the postgresql.conf
> The quirk happens with fixed-pointcoloums (DECIMAL, NUMERIC, MONEY) and
> BOOLEAN coloums as well when using the JDBC abstraction layer in locale
> 'German' (and maybe all others than 'C' or 'en_US' as well)
> Table definition:
>        comserve=> \c junk
>        Sie sind jetzt mit der Datenbank »junk« verbunden.
>        junk=> \d
>                    Liste der Relationen
>         Schema |    Name     |   Typ   | Eigentümer
>        --------+-------------+---------+------------
>         public | Tabelle1    | Tabelle | comserve
>         public | junk        | Tabelle | comserve
>         public | junk_id_seq | Sequenz | comserve
>        (3 Zeilen)
>        junk=> \d junk
>                                    Tabelle »public.junk«
>         Spalte |     Typ      |                      Attribute
>        --------+--------------+------------------------------------------------------
>         id     | integer      | not null default
>        nextval('public.junk_id_seq'::text)
>         preis  | numeric(5,2) |
>        Indexe:
>            »junk_pkey« PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
>        junk=>
> If you need further assistance: just let me know!
> I hope we can cut down this bad finger, since an Office-System that
> cannot store business figures to a DB doesn't make much sense - at least
> with that specific DBMS.
> Thanks for your concern anyway.
>> With regards,
>> William ZHANG
> Best regards,
> Peter Heidinger
> --
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