Thread: possible bug in SELECT with UNION

possible bug in SELECT with UNION

Dario Basso Cardoso

I have PostgreSQL 8.0.3 for Windows XP and i have in attach the database
with problem.

The problem occour with this SQL

select as data, 0 as codigo, proextra.motivo as nome, 'X'
as tipo, proextra.qtd, 0 as valor_u, 0 as cod_v from proextra where>=to_date('28/04/2006','dd/mm/yyyy') and<=to_date('28/04/2006','dd/mm/yyyy') and
proextra.lancado='S' and proextra.codigo=1106 union
select entrad1.emissao as data, entrad1.cod_f as codigo, entrad1.nome_f
as nome, 'E' as tipo, entrad2.qtd, entrad2.preco_u as valor_u, 0 as
cod_v from entrad1, entrad2 where entrad1.numero=entrad2.numero and
entrad1.emissao>=to_date('28/04/2006','dd/mm/yyyy') and
entrad1.emissao<=to_date('28/04/2006','dd/mm/yyyy') and
entrad1.lancado='S' and entrad2.cod_p=1106

The result correct is two (2) rows in table proextra but result one (1)

If i do:

select as data, 0 as codigo, proextra.motivo as nome, 'X'
as tipo, proextra.qtd, 0 as valor_u, 0 as cod_v from proextra where>=to_date('28/04/2006','dd/mm/yyyy') and<=to_date('28/04/2006','dd/mm/yyyy') and
proextra.lancado='S' and proextra.codigo=1106
I receive two (2) rows if i union with other table i receive one (1) row!!!

This is a bug or my SQL is not correct????

For create this database

create database pcpneus;
create user loja001 with password 'test';
psql pcpneus "postgres" < pcpneus.txt


Dario Basso Cardoso

Ps. How i send backup for this database for analize?

Re: possible bug in SELECT with UNION

Tom Lane
Dario Basso Cardoso <> writes:
> I receive two (2) rows if i union with other table i receive one (1) row!!!

You do know that UNION is defined to eliminate duplicate output rows?
(UNION ALL doesn't eliminate duplicates, and might be what you want.)

If that's not what you're seeing then you need to provide more info.

            regards, tom lane

Re: possible bug in SELECT with UNION

Dario Basso Cardoso
Thank you

With UNION ALL the SQL work correct for my case...


Tom Lane escreveu:

>Dario Basso Cardoso <> writes:
>>I receive two (2) rows if i union with other table i receive one (1) row!!!
>You do know that UNION is defined to eliminate duplicate output rows?
>(UNION ALL doesn't eliminate duplicates, and might be what you want.)
>If that's not what you're seeing then you need to provide more info.
>            regards, tom lane
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