Thread: Insert failure on serial

Insert failure on serial

"Warren Seltzer"
-- Microsoft Windows XP SP 2
-- Fails to insert new row into line_items with bogus error report -- seria=
l field 'id' not working.
-- This is the short form.  I'll also attach a file dumpdd.sql with the dum=
p output. Using verbosity verbose
-- didn't change the error message (see below).

depot_development=3D# \set
VERSION =3D 'PostgreSQL 8.1.3 on i686-pc-mingw32, compiled by GCC gcc.exe (=
GCC) 3.4.2 (mingw-special)'
VERBOSITY =3D 'default'
PROMPT1 =3D '%/%R%x%# '
PROMPT2 =3D '%/%R%x%# ... '
PROMPT3 =3D '>> '
DBNAME =3D 'depot_development'
USER =3D 'depot'
PORT =3D '5432'

depot_development=3D# \dt line_items
          List of relations
 Schema |    Name    | Type  | Owner
 public | line_items | table | depot
(1 row)

depot_development=3D# \d line_items;
                           Table "public.line_items"
   Column   |  Type   |                        Modifiers
 id         | integer | not null default nextval('line_items_id_seq'::regcl=
 product_id | integer | not null default 0
 order_id   | integer | not null default 0
 quantity   | integer | not null default 0
 unit_price | real    | not null default 0.0
    "line_items_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)

depot_development=3D# select * from line_items;
 id | product_id | order_id | quantity | unit_price
  1 |          4 |        1 |        1 |    9999.99
  2 |          5 |        2 |        1 |       1.99
  3 |         10 |        2 |        1 |      88.98
  4 |          9 |        3 |        1 |      22.88
  5 |          8 |        4 |        1 |          1
  6 |         15 |        4 |        1 |      18.88
  7 |          4 |        4 |        1 |    9999.99
  8 |         11 |        5 |        3 |      17.99
  9 |         16 |        6 |        1 |      44.99
 10 |         15 |        6 |        1 |      18.88
 11 |         14 |        6 |        1 |         95
 12 |          2 |        6 |        1 |      79.99
 13 |         20 |        7 |        1 |     989.99
 14 |         12 |        7 |        1 |      79.99
 15 |         13 |        7 |        1 |      39.99
(15 rows)

depot_development=3D# INSERT INTO line_items ("order_id", "product_id", "qu=
antity", "unit_price") VALUES(1, 2, 2, 989.99);
ERROR:  duplicate key violates unique constraint "line_items_pkey"

Re: Insert failure on serial

Alvaro Herrera
Warren Seltzer wrote:
> PostgreSQL 8.1.3 on i686-pc-mingw32
> Windows XP SP2
> Summary of Insert failure (There IS NO DUPLICATE KEY):
> depot_development=# INSERT INTO line_items ("order_id", "product_id", "quantity",
> "unit_price") VALUES(1, 2, 2, 989.99);
> ERROR:  duplicate key violates unique constraint "line_items_pkey"

The problem is that the sequence attached to the "id" column is lower
than the values actually present in the column.  Try doing
SELECT setval(pg_get_serial_sequence('line_items', 'id'), 16);

and see if it fixes your problem.

Now, how did the sequence got out of sync?  Did you insert values to the
id column by hand?

Alvaro Herrera                      
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.