Thread: BUG in logs

BUG in logs

Martin Marques
I encountered a rare BUG in the way PG is logging. Let me first enlight with some configuration I have and PG version:

prueba2=> SELECT version();
 PostgreSQL 8.1.0 on sparc-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC cc (GCC) 4.0.3 20051111 (prerelease) (Debian 4.0.2-4)
(1 row)

prueba2=> select name, setting from pg_settings where name like 'log%';
            name            | setting
 log_connections            | on
 log_destination            | stderr
 log_disconnections         | off
 log_duration               | off
 log_error_verbosity        | default
 log_executor_stats         | off
 log_hostname               | off
 log_line_prefix            | <%t>
 log_min_duration_statement | -1
 log_min_error_statement    | panic
 log_min_messages           | notice
 log_parser_stats           | off
 log_planner_stats          | off
 log_rotation_age           | 1440
 log_rotation_size          | 10240
 log_statement              | all
 log_statement_stats        | off
 log_truncate_on_rotation   | off
(18 rows)

Now, when I do something like the sentence below, I get an error, which is OK:

prueba2=> SELECT * FROM perfiles WHERE codigo = AND perfil = 'something here';
ERROR:  error de sintaxis en o cerca de <<AND>> at character 39
LINE 1: SELECT * FROM perfiles WHERE codigo = AND perfil = 'somethin...

But I should see in the logs the query and then the error, which is not what I'm getting at the momento (I only get the
error,ad is shown below). 

<2006-04-11 16:31:03 ART>ERROR:  error de sintaxis en o cerca de <<AND>> en car?cter 39

If anymore information is needed, let me know.

Lic. Martín Marqués         |   SELECT 'mmarques' ||
Centro de Telemática        |       '@' || '';
Universidad Nacional        |   DBA, Programador,
    del Litoral             |   Administrador