Thread: createlang plpgsql failed

createlang plpgsql failed

"Jeevanandam, Kathirvel \(IE10\)"

            We are getting error as "bus error" while running the
createlang command

createlang -d dbname plpgsql


Please give suggestion, how to resolve this issue.


Best Regards,


Re: createlang plpgsql failed

Michael Fuhr
On Tue, Jan 10, 2006 at 10:14:42AM +0530, Jeevanandam, Kathirvel (IE10) wrote:
> We are getting error as "bus error" while running the createlang command
> createlang -d dbname plpgsql

Is the createlang program getting the bus error or is it the backend?
Does anything show up in the server logs?  What operating system
and version?  What version of PostgreSQL and where did you get it
(installed a package, built it yourself from source, etc.)?  If you
got a core dump, can you get a stack trace from it?

Michael Fuhr