Thread: pgsql8.1: About COPY Command and system clomn oid

pgsql8.1: About COPY Command and system clomn oid

The following is my test.

oidtest=# CREATE TABLE oidtest( name text ) WITH OIDS;
oidtest=# INSERT INTO oidtest ( name ) VALUES( 'name1' ) ;
INSERT 54512 1
oidtest=# COPY oidtest (name) WITH OIDS FROM stdin;
Enter data to be copied followed by a newline.
End with a backslash and a period on a line by itself.
>> 54513        copyname
>> \.
oidtest=# INSERT INTO oidtest ( name ) VALUES( 'name2' ) ;
INSERT 54513 1
oidtest=# SELECT oid,name from oidtest ;
  oid  |   name
 54512 | name1
 54513 | copyname
 54513 | name2
(3 rows)

Then I got two records with same oid(54513).

In the second test, I created two tables and added primary key (oid) to
them. As below:

oidtest=# CREATE TABLE oidtestpk (name text, PRIMARY KEY (oid) ) WITH OIDS ;
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index
"oidtestpk_pkey" for table "oidtestpk"
oidtest=# CREATE TABLE oidtestpk_another (name text, PRIMARY KEY (oid) )
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index
"oidtestpk_another_pkey" for table "oidtestpk_another"
oidtest=# INSERT INTO oidtestpk(name) VALUES ('name0');
INSERT 54562 1
oidtest=# COPY oidtestpk(name) WITH OIDS FROM stdin;
Enter data to be copied followed by a newline.
End with a backslash and a period on a line by itself.
>> 54564        copyname64
>> \.
oidtest=# INSERT INTO oidtestpk_another(name) VALUES ('name63');
INSERT 54563 1
oidtest=# INSERT INTO oidtestpk_another(name) VALUES ('name64');
INSERT 54564 1
oidtest=# SELECT oid,name FROM oidtestpk where oid=54564;
  oid  |    name
 54564 | copyname64
(1 row)

oidtest=# SELECT oid,name FROM oidtestpk_another where oid=54564;
  oid  |  name
 54564 | name64
(1 row)

And then I got records with same oid(54564).
Is it a bug?

Re: pgsql8.1: About COPY Command and system clomn oid

"Qingqing Zhou"
"wangshj" <> wrote
> oidtest=# COPY oidtest (name) WITH OIDS FROM stdin;
> Enter data to be copied followed by a newline.
> End with a backslash and a period on a line by itself.
>>> 54513        copyname
>>> \.
> oidtest=# INSERT INTO oidtest ( name ) VALUES( 'name2' ) ;
> INSERT 54513 1
> oidtest=# SELECT oid,name from oidtest ;
>  oid  |   name
> -------+----------
> 54512 | name1
> 54513 | copyname
> 54513 | name2
> (3 rows)
> oidtest=#
> Then I got two records with same oid(54513).

This is not a bug. You can specify any valid number here as Oids. If you
don't want duplicated Oids or strange Oids, then don't specify WITH OIDS
