On Sun, Oct 23, 2005 at 11:33:35AM +0100, Petr wrote:
> I'm trying to use blob fields (bytea) and have a curious problem with it (in
> Delphi). When i'm store the blob stream into DB, the length is 810 bytes.
> When i'm trying to get data from DB, gives me only 807 bytes. I was try to
> store entire streams into files and locate differences. Three bytes aren't
> be in exported file in the middle of the file :-O.
Have you done any tests that don't involve Delphi? With psql, for
example? This might not be a PostgreSQL problem.
> Can you look at this problem (i can send you these files).
A test case would be useful: all SQL statements, data, and other
steps that somebody could use to duplicate what you're doing.
Michael Fuhr