Thread: BUG #1776: Unable to insert datetime with fractional seconds in postgreSQL database using ODBC api
BUG #1776: Unable to insert datetime with fractional seconds in postgreSQL database using ODBC api
"sankar p"
The following bug has been logged online: Bug reference: 1776 Logged by: sankar p Email address: PostgreSQL version: 7.4.6 Operating system: RHEL WS 4.0 Description: Unable to insert datetime with fractional seconds in postgreSQL database using ODBC api Details: Hi, Cause : Unable to insert datetime with fractional seconds in postgreSQL database (using timestamp escape sequence). Environment : RHEL WS 4.0 ODBC DM : libiodbc-3.52.1.tar 1) Table is created using the following statement. create table product(solddt timestamp); 2) inserted one record using the following statment. insert into product values('1986-01-12 05:22:10:82375'). The timestamp values is inserted successfully without any issue. I confirmed that the timestamp datatype is working without any problem. 3) I have tried to insert using the following C-sample program. In this sample, I am using ODBC escape sequences to insert TIMESTAMP value. for example:- "{ts '1986-01-12 05:22:10'}") 4) When executing the C-sample program, I am getting the following error message in the ODBC log. Error Message in the ODBC log:- Error while executing the query (non-fatal); ERROR: date/time field value out of range: "0000-00-00 00:00:00" C- Sample Program:- #include <stdio.h> #include <assert.h> #include <sqltypes.h> #include <sql.h> #include <sqlext.h> #include <string.h> #define MAXNAME 250 #define MAXBUFLEN 250 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { SQLHENV henv = SQL_NULL_HENV; SQLHDBC hdbc1 = SQL_NULL_HDBC; SQLHSTMT hstmt1 = SQL_NULL_HSTMT; char szConnectString[]="DSN=postgres;UID=postgres;PWD=postgres"; SQLSMALLINT nODBCIsolationLevel=0; short int lConnectStringLen; char szConnectStringOut[250]; char szSQLStatement[250]; RETCODE retcode; // SQLBindCol variables SQLCHAR szName[MAXNAME+1]; SQLINTEGER cbName; SQLTIMESTAMP tmStamp; SQLINTEGER Len; SQLCHAR inData[20]; SQL_TIMESTAMP_STRUCT stTimeStamp; int length; char strDate[26]; // Allocate the ODBC Environment and save handle. retcode = SQLAllocHandle (SQL_HANDLE_ENV, NULL, &henv); if (retcode != 0) printf("Allocate Env failed \n"); else printf("Allocate Env Pass \n"); // Notify ODBC that this is an ODBC 3.0 application. retcode = SQLSetEnvAttr(henv, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION,(SQLPOINTER) SQL_OV_ODBC3, SQL_IS_INTEGER); // Allocate an ODBC connection and connect. retcode = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, henv, &hdbc1); if (retcode != 0) { printf("Allocate ODBC Handle failed \n"); } printf("Allocate ODBC Handle passed \n"); //retcode = SQLConnect(hdbc1,"mysql", SQL_NTS,"mysql", SQL_NTS,"mysql", SQL_NTS); retcode=SQLDriverConnect(hdbc1,NULL,(SQLCHAR*)szConnectString,SQL_NTS,(SQLCH AR*)szConnectStringOut,sizeof(szConnectStringOut), &lConnectStringLen,SQL_DRIVER_NOPROMPT); if (retcode != 0) { printf("Connection failed \n"); } else printf("Connection Successful \n"); retcode = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT,hdbc1,&hstmt1); if (retcode != 0) { printf("Allocate Statement failed \n"); } strcpy(szSQLStatement, "INSERT INTO PRODUCT(SOLDDT) VALUES(?)"); printf("Executing : %s \n", szSQLStatement); retcode = SQLPrepare(hstmt1,(unsigned char *)szSQLStatement, SQL_NTS); /* =12; stTimeStamp.month =01; stTimeStamp.year =2000; stTimeStamp.hour =5; stTimeStamp.minute =22; stTimeStamp.second =10; stTimeStamp.fraction =511212; */ memset(strDate, 0, strlen(strDate)); //not working strcpy(strDate, "{ts '1986-01-12 05:22:10'}"); //working // strcpy(strDate, "1986-01-12 05:22:10.82375"); /* retcode = SQLBindParameter( hstmt1, 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, SQL_DESC_DATETIME_INTERVAL_PRECISION, 0, &stTimeStamp,sizeof(stTimeStamp), NULL); */ retcode = SQLBindParameter( hstmt1, 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_CHAR, SQL_TIMESTAMP, 19, 0, strDate,sizeof(strDate), NULL); retcode = SQLExecute(hstmt1); if ( retcode == 0 ) printf("SQLExecute - Success \r\n"); else printf("SQLExecute - Not success \r\n"); /* Clean up. */ SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt1); SQLDisconnect(hdbc1); SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdbc1); SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, henv); } odbc trace log: odbctime B7FEAA00 ENTER SQLPrepare SQLHSTMT 0x8b9a7d8 SQLCHAR * 0xbfe30500 | INSERT INTO PRODUCT(SOLDDT) VALUES(?) | SQLINTEGER -3 (SQL_NTS) odbctime B7FEAA00 EXIT SQLPrepare with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS) SQLHSTMT 0x8b9a7d8 SQLCHAR * 0xbfe30500 SQLINTEGER -3 (SQL_NTS) odbctime B7FEAA00 ENTER SQLBindParameter SQLHSTMT 0x8b9a7d8 SQLSMALLINT 1 SQLSMALLINT 1 (SQL_PARAM_INPUT) SQLSMALLINT 1 (SQL_C_CHAR) SQLSMALLINT 11 (SQL_TIMESTAMP) SQLUINTEGER 19 SQLSMALLINT 0 SQLPOINTER 0xbfe30380 SQLLEN 26 SQLLEN * 0x0 odbctime B7FEAA00 EXIT SQLBindParameter with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS) SQLHSTMT 0x8b9a7d8 SQLSMALLINT 1 SQLSMALLINT 1 (SQL_PARAM_INPUT) SQLSMALLINT 1 (SQL_C_CHAR) SQLSMALLINT 11 (SQL_TIMESTAMP) SQLUINTEGER 19 SQLSMALLINT 0 SQLPOINTER 0xbfe30380 SQLLEN 26 SQLLEN * 0x0 odbctime B7FEAA00 ENTER SQLExecute SQLHSTMT 0x8b9a7d8 odbctime B7FEAA00 EXIT SQLExecute with return code -1 (SQL_ERROR) SQLHSTMT 0x8b9a7d8 Please reply to this message at the earliest. Other observations:- This error cann't be reproduced in windows. Thanks & Regards, Sankar.P.