Thread: Repeat RULE ON INSERT and DEFAULT nextval('...')

Repeat RULE ON INSERT and DEFAULT nextval('...')

Hello pgsql-bugs,

Excuse my English. I'm from Russia.
I realized i forgotten to write version of PostgreSQL in previous letter.
I'm using PostgreSQL 8.0.1 on Windows and Slackware 10.0 compilled with gcc 3.3.4

I understood, that following is implementation behavior,
but this is really not what i'm expecting to see.

--Start test--
create table try1
        id serial PRIMARY KEY,    -- same with DEFAULT nextval('some_sequence')
        info varchar(30)
without oids;

create table handle_try1
        id_try1 int PRIMARY KEY,
        inf int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
without oids;

create rule try1_insert as
    on insert to try1 do insert into handle_try1 (id_try1)
  values (;

insert into try1(info) values ('hello');
insert into try1(id,info) values(3,'hell'); -- later one'll see the reason for id=3

select * from try1;
 id | info
  1 | hello
  3 | hell
(2 rows)
select * from handle_try1;
 id_try1 | inf
       2 |   0
       3 |   0
(2 rows)
but I really expected
 id_try1 | inf
       1 |   0
       3 |   0
(2 rows)
-- Finish Test

Cause of this I ought to use trigger, what I really do not want to do.
And, i think, same behavior takes the place with other volatile function defaults.