Thread: Re: BUG #1546: Temp table isn't deleted at the end of a

Re: BUG #1546: Temp table isn't deleted at the end of a

Roy Badami
> Given the error message, this seems to be the whole plpgsql caches
> query plans but we don't invalidate those plans when there are schema
> changes.  In all currently released versions you pretty much need to
> use EXECUTE on any queries where the table may go away, for example,
> any use of temp tables.

FWIW, this is documented behaviour (section 35.1 of the manual).


Re: BUG #1546: Temp table isn't deleted at the end of a

Roy Badami
>>>>> "Roy" == Roy Badami <> writes:

    Roy> FWIW, this is documented behaviour (section 35.1 of the
    Roy> manual).

That's 35.1 in the 8.0 doc, BTW.  It's 37.1 in the 7.4 doc.

    Roy>      -roy