Thread: tsearch2 headline function fails to parse integer arguments

tsearch2 headline function fails to parse integer arguments

"Tom Hebbron"
SELECT headline('some text to search',to_tsquery('text'),'StartSel=<b>,
StopSel=</b>, ShortWord=3')

On 8.0beta1 through 8.0rc3 this query fails with
ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "3"

The same is reported when using any of the argument in the option string
that take integers (MinWords and MaxWords)

SELECT headline('some text to search',to_tsquery('text'),'StartSel=<b>,
StopSel=</b>, MaxWords=35, MinWords=15, ShortWord=3');

ERROR:  invalid input syntax for integer: "35"

Using the bundled tsearch2 from PostgreSQL 7.4.3 the headline function works
as expected, and the above examples return without error.

There also seems to be a problem with the bug submission form on the
website - the server that handles the POST data
doesn't respond - it appears to be down?

Re: tsearch2 headline function fails to parse integer arguments

Tom Lane
"Tom Hebbron" <> writes:
> SELECT headline('some text to search',to_tsquery('text'),'StartSel=<b>,
> StopSel=</b>, ShortWord=3')

> On 8.0beta1 through 8.0rc3 this query fails with
> ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "3"

Thanks for the report.  Patch applied.

> There also seems to be a problem with the bug submission form on the
> website - the server that handles the POST data
> doesn't respond - it appears to be down?

Not my turf, but maybe someone on pgsql-www will know what's up.

            regards, tom lane

Re: [pgsql-www] tsearch2 headline function fails to parse

Justin Clift
Tom Lane wrote:
 > "Tom Hebbron" <> writes:
 >>There also seems to be a problem with the bug submission form on the
 >>website - the server that handles the POST
 >> data doesn't respond - it appears to be down?
 > Not my turf, but maybe someone on pgsql-www will know what's up.

It seems to have been a temporary or intermittent problem.  I just went
to the bug submission form at:

...and submitted a bug successfully.  The "Thank you" page took a few
seconds to load than I was expecting (about 10 seconds in total), but
didn't time out.

If we get more reports of this, indicating its a continuing problem,
then we'll look into it.  Otherwise, hopefully the failure was just a

Thanks for letting us know guys.

Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

"One who sees the invisible can do the impossible."
  + Frank Gaines