Thread: Faild to install PostgresQL 8 beta 4 on WinXP with SP2

Faild to install PostgresQL 8 beta 4 on WinXP with SP2

Sóvári Péter
<p><font face="Arial CE" size="2">Hi,</font><p><font face="Arial CE" size="2">I attemted to install PostgresQL 8 beta 4
onWinXP with SP2, but it was failed with 2755 error code.</font><br /><font face="Arial CE" size="2">What does it
mean?</font><p><fontface="Arial CE" size="2">I have searched the archive, but i havn't found anything about this
issue.</font><p><fontface="Arial CE" size="2">I left every setup option in basic, and the install process escaped
beforethe installing progress bar would have appeared.</font><p><font face="Arial CE" size="2">What can i have to do to
solvethis problem?</font><p><font face="Arial CE" size="2">Regards</font><p><font face="Arial CE" size="2">peter</font>