André Gomes
Your name        :    André Gomes Lamas Otero
Your email address    :

System Configuration
--------------------- Architecture (example: Intel Pentium)      :     Alpha Operating System (example: Linux 2.4.18)
 :     Linux 2.2 PostgreSQL version (example: PostgreSQL-7.4.2):   PostgreSQL-7.4.2 Compiler used (example:  gcc
2.95.2)       :    gcc 2.95.4 

Please enter a FULL description of your problem:
Befire I run the VACUUM ANALYZE command all query that use JOIN command
return the error: ERROR invalid typeLen: 0.
However the data of tables are unbroken.

Please describe a way to repeat the problem.   Please try to provide a
concise reproducible example, if at all possible:
create table departaments
( dp-id int,
name varchar(30),
primary key(dp-id) );

create table requests
( rq-id int,
dp-id int references departaments(dp-id),
description varchar(30),
primary key(dp-id) );

insert into departaments values (1,'Informatica');
insert into departaments values (2,'Recurcos Humanos');
insert into departaments values (3,'Compras');
insert into departaments values (4,'Marketing');
insert into departaments values (5,'Diretoria');
insert into departaments values (6,'Ensino');

insert into requests values (1,1,'nothing');
insert into requests values (2,1,'nothing');
insert into requests values (3,2,'nothing');
insert into requests values (4,3'nothing');
insert into requests values (5,4,'nothing');
insert into requests values (6,4'nothing');

select rq-id,name from requests left join departaments on requests.dp-id

this result in:
rq-id | name
1      |  Informatica
2      | Informatica
3      | Recursos Humanos
4      | Compras
5      | Marketing
6      | Marketing

now execute VACUUM ANALYZE.... the query dont work...