Thread: adding a primary key column to a temporary table fails (v7.4.3)

adding a primary key column to a temporary table fails (v7.4.3)

Frank van Vugt

I guess this might not be the appropriate thing to be happening:

# select version();
 PostgreSQL 7.4.3 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC egcs-2.91.66
(1 row)

(verify whether temporary tables do support primary keys)
# create temp table f_test (id int primary key, value varchar(20));
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "f_test_pkey"
for table "f_test"

# drop table f_test;

(now create it without the primary key)
# create temp table f_test (value varchar(20));

(and add the column afterwards)
# alter table f_test add column id int primary key;
NOTICE:  ALTER TABLE / ADD PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index
"f_test_pkey" for table "f_test"
ERROR:  adding NOT NULL columns is not implemented
HINT:  Add the column, then use ALTER TABLE SET NOT NULL.

By the way, I noticed that the todo-list does not mention 'alter table alter
column set/drop primary key'. I'm wondering whether it should?

I was trying to avoid repeating complex create temp table statements by doing
stuff like 'create temp table <foo> as select * from <bar> where false'
instead. But since the resulting table doesn't have any indexes on it and one
of the libraries I use actually expects a 'real' primary key to be available,
I was looking for ways to get to a temporary table with a copied structure
AND a primary key.



Re: adding a primary key column to a temporary table fails

Stephan Szabo
On Thu, 22 Jul 2004, Frank van Vugt wrote:

> (verify whether temporary tables do support primary keys)
> # create temp table f_test (id int primary key, value varchar(20));
> NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "f_test_pkey"
> for table "f_test"
> # drop table f_test;
> (now create it without the primary key)
> # create temp table f_test (value varchar(20));
> (and add the column afterwards)
> # alter table f_test add column id int primary key;
> NOTICE:  ALTER TABLE / ADD PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index
> "f_test_pkey" for table "f_test"
> ERROR:  adding NOT NULL columns is not implemented
> HINT:  Add the column, then use ALTER TABLE SET NOT NULL.

The issue here is the not-nullness of a new column which isn't supported
in 7.4 (it appears to be in 7.5).

> By the way, I noticed that the todo-list does not mention 'alter table alter
> column set/drop primary key'. I'm wondering whether it should?

ALTER TABLE ADD CONSTRAINT can handle primary keys.

> I was trying to avoid repeating complex create temp table statements by doing
> stuff like 'create temp table <foo> as select * from <bar> where false'
> instead. But since the resulting table doesn't have any indexes on it and one
> of the libraries I use actually expects a 'real' primary key to be available,
> I was looking for ways to get to a temporary table with a copied structure
> AND a primary key.

I think you probably want:

create temp table f_test as select * from bar where false;
alter table f_test add primary key (id);

Re: adding a primary key column to a temporary table fails

Frank van Vugt
> The issue here is the not-nullness of a new column which isn't supported
> in 7.4 (it appears to be in 7.5).

I grok.

> > By the way, I noticed that the todo-list does not mention 'alter table
> > alter column set/drop primary key'. I'm wondering whether it should?
> ALTER TABLE ADD CONSTRAINT can handle primary keys.

Now how did I miss *that* ;-\

> I think you probably want:
> alter table f_test add primary key (id);

Yep, that does the trick.


