Thread: No error-checking on binary timestamp

No error-checking on binary timestamp

Stephen Frost

  Based on some experimentation and reading through the code in:
  src/backend/utils/adl/timestamp.c ; it would appear that there's no
  error-checking when receiving a binary timestamp.  I wouldn't care if
  I had figured out the binary timestamp format on the first shot but
  apparently I didn't and this happened:

  atl=> select * from a5_lan;
  ERROR:  timestamp out of range

  No errors during the insert, but when I tried to select out of the
  table I inserted the data into that's what I got.  Pretty ugly.
  Please fix. :)

  I wouldn't mind some pointers on the proper way to convert from unix
  time to timestamp binary format either, btw.  I was attempting to do
  basically the same thing 'AbsoluteTimeUsecToTimestampTz', but
  apparently that's not right. :)
