Thread: pg_autovacuum bug with temp tables?

pg_autovacuum bug with temp tables?

Jeff Boes
[Apologies to anyone who is seeing this for the second time; the author
of pg_autovacuum suggested it belonged here, so I am reposting.]

Recently I installed and started pg_autovacuum against my new Pg 7.4.1
installation. We use a fairly large number of temporary tables within an
application (that is, several copies of this application may be running,
and each creates and drops several temp tables as they cycle through
their workload). Here's what I think happened, based on the log
(pg_autovacuum's and the postmaster's):

[2004-02-15 08:10:01 AM] Performing: ANALYZE "pg_temp_13"."tmp_targs"
[2004-02-15 08:10:01 AM] Can not refresh statistics information from the
database nexcerpt.
[2004-02-15 08:10:01 AM] The error is [ERROR:  relation
"pg_temp_13.tmp_targs" does not exist

2004-02-15 08:10:01 [31563] ERROR:  relation "pg_temp_13.tmp_targs" does
not exist
2004-02-15 08:10:01 [31563] LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection

It appears that pg_autovacuum collected the name of a temp table, and
later tried to analyze it. The table was gone by then, and this caused
the daemon to exit. As this happened on a Sunday morning, my weekend
experiment to see how pg_autovacuum would maintain our test database was
rather spoiled ... 8-(

Jeff Boes                                      vox 269.226.9550 ext 24
Database Engineer                                     fax 269.349.9076
Nexcerpt, Inc.                       
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