The following bug has been logged online:
Bug reference: 1033
Logged by: ALOK
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 7.3
Operating system: Redhat 9
Description: Problem in configuring postgresql file
Respected Sir,
I am working on the opennms project for the last 2 months , but have
been facing problems with the configuration of the postgresql and
I am appending my postgresql file below:
Please reply what are the flaws in this file and which other lines are to be
uncommented .
Connection Parameters
tcpip_socket = true
#ssl = false
max_connections = 256
#superuser_reserved_connections = 2
port = 5432
hostname_lookup = true
#show_source_port = false
#unix_socket_directory = ''
#unix_socket_group = ''
#unix_socket_permissions = 0777 # octal
virtual_host = 'localhost'
#krb_server_keyfile = ''
# Shared Memory Size
shared_buffers = 1024 # min max_connections*2 or 16, 8KB each
#max_fsm_relations = 1000 # min 10, fsm is free space map, ~40 bytes
#max_fsm_pages = 10000 # min 1000, fsm is free space map, ~6 bytes
#max_locks_per_transaction = 64 # min 10
#wal_buffers = 8 # min 4, typically 8KB each
# Non-shared Memory Sizes
#sort_mem = 1024 # min 64, size in KB
#vacuum_mem = 8192 # min 1024, size in KB
# Write-ahead log (WAL)
#checkpoint_segments = 3 # in logfile segments, min 1, 16MB each
#checkpoint_timeout = 300 # range 30-3600, in seconds
#commit_delay = 0 # range 0-100000, in microseconds
#commit_siblings = 5 # range 1-1000
#fsync = true
#wal_sync_method = fsync # the default varies across platforms:
# # fsync, fdatasync, open_sync, or open_datasync
#wal_debug = 0 # range 0-16
# Optimizer Parameters
#enable_seqscan = true
#enable_indexscan = true
#enable_tidscan = true
#enable_sort = true
#enable_nestloop = true
#enable_mergejoin = true
#enable_hashjoin = true
#effective_cache_size = 1000 # typically 8KB each
#random_page_cost = 4 # units are one sequential page fetch cost
#cpu_tuple_cost = 0.01 # (same)
#cpu_index_tuple_cost = 0.001 # (same)
#cpu_operator_cost = 0.0025 # (same)
#default_statistics_target = 10 # range 1-1000
# GEQO Optimizer Parameters
#geqo = true
#geqo_selection_bias = 2.0 # range 1.5-2.0
#geqo_threshold = 11
#geqo_pool_size = 0 # default based on tables in statement,
# range 128-1024
#geqo_effort = 1
#geqo_generations = 0
#geqo_random_seed = -1 # auto-compute seed
# Message display
#server_min_messages = notice # Values, in order of decreasing detail:
# debug5, debug4, debug3, debug2, debug1,
# info, notice, warning, error, log, fatal,
# panic
#client_min_messages = notice # Values, in order of decreasing detail:
# debug5, debug4, debug3, debug2, debug1,
# log, info, notice, warning, error
#silent_mode = false
#log_connections = false
#log_pid = false
#log_statement = false
#log_duration = false
#log_timestamp = false
#log_min_error_statement = error # Values in order of increasing severity:
# debug5, debug4, debug3, debug2, debug1,
# info, notice, warning, error, panic(off)
#debug_print_parse = false
#debug_print_rewritten = false
#debug_print_plan = false
#debug_pretty_print = false
#explain_pretty_print = true
#debug_assertions = true
# Syslog
#syslog = 0 # range 0-2
#syslog_facility = 'LOCAL0'
#syslog_ident = 'postgres'
# Statistics
#show_parser_stats = false
#show_planner_stats = false
#show_executor_stats = false
#show_statement_stats = false
#show_btree_build_stats = false
# Access statistics collection
#stats_start_collector = true
#stats_reset_on_server_start = true
#stats_command_string = false
#stats_row_level = false
#stats_block_level = false
# Lock Tracing
#trace_notify = false
# requires LOCK_DEBUG
#trace_locks = false
#trace_userlocks = false
#trace_lwlocks = false
#debug_deadlocks = false
#trace_lock_oidmin = 16384
#trace_lock_table = 0
# Misc
#autocommit = true
#dynamic_library_path = '$libdir'
#search_path = '$user,public'
#datestyle = 'iso, us'
#timezone = unknown # actually, defaults to TZ environment setting
#australian_timezones = false
#client_encoding = sql_ascii # actually, defaults to database encoding
#authentication_timeout = 60 # 1-600, in seconds
#deadlock_timeout = 1000 # in milliseconds
#default_transaction_isolation = 'read committed'
#max_expr_depth = 10000 # min 10
#max_files_per_process = 1000 # min 25
#password_encryption = true
#sql_inheritance = true
#transform_null_equals = false
#statement_timeout = 0 # 0 is disabled, in milliseconds
#db_user_namespace = false
# Locale settings
# (initialized by initdb -- may be changed)
LC_TIME = 'en_US.UTF-8'
#host opennms opennms password
local all all trust
host all all trust
# Using sockets credentials for improved security. Not available everywhere,
# but works on Linux, *BSD (and probably some others)
local all all ident sameuser