Thread: [connection too long on win2k]

[connection too long on win2k]

"Syaefulloh Dj"
Hi, i'm newbie
I do not know if this email is the right place to send my problem.
However, i have to send it as well as you will give me some advice.

I have installed postgresql 7.1.2 in to win2k advance server box.
I used cygwin version 1.3.10-1 and cygipc version 1.11-1
everything is running fine until i try to connect to postgresql server thro=
ugh web.
i used php connection module to connect it.
everytime the web page running the code, there is always needed so much tim=
e (almost 10 second).

sorry if my english language is not good. i hope you're understand what the=
 problem is.
