Thread: Bug #921: Default value not available in RULE

Bug #921: Default value not available in RULE

A.Bhuvaneswaran ( reports a bug with a severity of 3
The lower the number the more severe it is.

Short Description
Default value not available in RULE

Long Description
I as using postgresql 7.2.3.

The default value of a column is not available in the INSERT RULE. The same value is available in the trigger which is
triggeredbefore insert. Eventhough the rule is executed before the event, the default value of a column must be
availablein the INSERT RULE. Isn't it? 

Sample Code
test_pg=# CREATE TABLE a (id int, ctime timestamp default now());
test_pg=# CREATE TABLE a_log (id int, ctime timestamp);
test_pg=# CREATE RULE a_rule as on insert to a do (insert into a_log (id, ctime) values (, new.ctime));
test_pg=# INSERT INTO a VALUES (1);
INSERT 14353487 1
test_pg=# SELECT * from a;
 id |              ctime
  1 | 2003-03-27 10:14:51.139185+05:30
(1 row)

test_pg=# SELECT * from a_log;
 id | ctime
  1 |
(1 row)


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Re: Bug #921: Default value not available in RULE

Tom Lane
Date: writes:
> Default value not available in RULE

> I as using postgresql 7.2.3.

Update to 7.3.*.

            regards, tom lane