Thread: Bug #914: Possible bug with regards to multiple persistant connections

Bug #914: Possible bug with regards to multiple persistant connections

Philippe Hajjar ( reports a bug with a severity of 2
The lower the number the more severe it is.

Short Description
Possible bug with regards to multiple persistant connections

Long Description
The operating environment in which this occurred is:
    Apache 1.3.27
    PHP 4.2.3
    PostgreSQL 7.3.2
    Redhat Linux 7.2
    ADODB for PHP version 3.10

I have a database with a single associated user account that owns the database.  I connect using a to this database and
begina transaction and start doing inserts and updates.  However, I want to commit some other data to the same database
ina table (unrelated to those being modified through the first connection) outside of the transaction so I open a
secondpersistant connection under the same user account and I write this information using an INSERT.  In the first
connection,I roll back the transaction and the insert I did under the second connection also gets rolled back.  Is this
supposedto occur?

Sample Code

No file was uploaded with this report writes:
> I have a database with a single associated user account that owns the database.  I connect using a to this database
andbegin a transaction and start doing inserts and updates.  However, I want to commit some other data to the same
databasein a table (unrelated to those being modified through the first connection) outside of the transaction so I
opena second persistant connection under the same user account and I write this information using an INSERT.  In the
firstconnection, I roll back the transaction and the insert I did under the second connection also gets rolled back.
Isthis supposed to occur? 

Sounds to me like your "second persistent connection" is the same
connection.  Better re-read the PHP docs ...

            regards, tom lane