Thread: Bug #839: triggers do not execute in right order in procedures

Bug #839: triggers do not execute in right order in procedures

Eugene Gridasov ( reports a bug with a severity of 1
The lower the number the more severe it is.

Short Description
triggers do not execute in right order in procedures

Long Description
The constraint trigger on delete executes ONLY after procedure
completion, but it does not execute right after delete. WHY?

Sample Code
table1 has 2 columns: id and name
table2 has 3 columns: id, t1_id(references t1(id) on delete cascade) and 'name' field

i got a procedure (plpgsql)

declare i int;
  select count(*) into i from table2 where t1_id=123;
  raise notice ''rows selected: %'',i;
  delete from table1 where id=123;
  select count(*) into i from table2 where t1_id=123;
  raise notice ''rows selected: %'',i;

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