Thread: Bug #811: Using || with char and char varying

Bug #811: Using || with char and char varying

John Lim ( reports a bug with a severity of 2
The lower the number the more severe it is.

Short Description
Using || with char and char varying

Long Description
The following sql:

  select firstname||lastname from adoxyz;

generates this error:

PostgreSQL said: ERROR: Unable to identify an operator '||' for types 'character' and 'character varying' You will have
toretype this query using an explicit cast  

Based on the table:

CREATE TABLE "adoxyz" (
   "id" int4,
   "firstname" char(24),
   "lastname" varchar,
   "created" date

Although this can be fixed by a typecast, porting sql (which i am doing) from other databases such as oracle/mysql is a

Thanks for looking into this.

Sample Code

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