Thread: Problem with database creation

Problem with database creation

呉 安棋
To   : PostgreSQL Person incharge
>From : anGie
RE   : Problem with database

Dear sir,

I'm an academy student that interested about database
environment.  Recently, I was using Kondara MNU/Linux 2.2
and Postgresql-7.1.1. for my studies.

According to your guidline, I had startup the postmaster
successfully.  But the problem is .... when I wanted to
create a new database, the error message had accured as
follow :
psql : No pg_hba.conf entyr for host localhost, user XXXX,
database YYYYYY

Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.

Thank you for your attention and appreciation.

Yours faithfully,

老公心目中可愛的安棋エンジィ (>_<)

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