Thread: PGAccess and apostrophes...

PGAccess and apostrophes...

Ryan Grange
Inserting text with an apostrophe fails.  Updating a record after it's
initial creation works fine.

PGAccess version: 0.98.7 (as included with Mandrake 8.2).

file: pgaccess/lib/tables.tcl
fixed lines: 547-548...
546:  lappend PgAcVar(mw,$wn,newrec_fields) "\"$fld\""
547:  regsub -all {'} $fldval '' fldvalfixed
548:  lappend PgAcVar(mw,$wn,newrec_values) '$fldvalfixed'
549:  # Remove the untouched tag from the object