Thread: Incorrect PostgreSQL 7.2 ODBC RPM for RedHat 6.2

Incorrect PostgreSQL 7.2 ODBC RPM for RedHat 6.2

Steve Wranovsky
I am attempting to install PostgreSQL 7.2 on Redhat 6.2.  It looks
like the RPM are not installing the actual ODBC library.  When I
query the RPM for the actual files in the RPM, I get the following:

[root@steveark rpms]# rpm -qpl postgresql-odbc-7.2-1PGDG.i386.rpm
[root@steveark rpms]#

When I look at the /usr/lib/ file, it is only a link
to the actual libary,

[mergeark@steveark lib]$ ls -l /usr/lib/libpsql*
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root           19 Feb 28 07:14 /usr/lib/ ->
[mergeark@steveark lib]$

It looks like the file simply was not included in
the RPM.  Am I correct about this, or am I missing something?  The official ODBC RPMs
for both RedHat 6.2 & 7.2 are only about 5K is size.  When I look back at the
size of the ODBC RPM for PostgreSQL 7.1.3, the size is about 87K.

Thanks for the help.