Thread: Re: Indexes not always used after inserts/updates/vacuum

Re: Indexes not always used after inserts/updates/vacuum

Reinhard Max
On Thu, 28 Feb 2002 at 09:51, Tom Lane wrote:

> Reinhard Max <> writes:
> > I've just found a case where forcing indexscans results in much higher
> > speed.
> >         ->  Index Scan using foo_pkey on foo
> >         (cost=0.00..25153.18 rows=352072 width=4)
> >         (actual time=0.03..157.57 rows=38432 loops=1)
> The major estimation error is evidently in this indexscan.  What
> statistics does pg_stats show for this table?

See attached file.

BTW, I've just done the same test on PostgreSQL 7.1 and got similar


Re: Indexes not always used after inserts/updates/vacuum analyze

Tom Lane
Reinhard Max <> writes:
>> The major estimation error is evidently in this indexscan.  What
>> statistics does pg_stats show for this table?

> See attached file.

Okay.  It looks like has a pretty strong but not perfect
descending order (the correlation statistic is -0.563276).  The
planner is evidently not rating that effect strongly enough.

If you look in cost_index (see approx. lines 270-340 in
src/backend/optimizer/path/costsize.c) you'll see that it computes
access cost estimates for both the perfectly sequential case and
the perfectly uncorrelated case, and then tries to interpolate
between them.  I have reasonable faith in both of the endpoint
estimation methods, but very little in the interpolation equation ---
it was chosen on the spur of the moment and hasn't really been tested.

It might be interesting to replace csquared with just
fabs(indexCorrelation) to see if the results are better.  Also, if you
cared to step through the code with a debugger or add some printout
statements, we could learn what the min and max costs are that it's
interpolating between; that'd be interesting to know as well.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Indexes not always used after inserts/updates/vacuum

Reinhard Max
On Thu, 28 Feb 2002 at 10:15, Tom Lane wrote:

> Okay.  It looks like has a pretty strong but not perfect
> descending order (the correlation statistic is -0.563276).  The
> planner is evidently not rating that effect strongly enough.

Yes, that seems to be the reason. When I try

    SELECT * into foo2 from foo order by id;
     CREATE index foo2_id on foo2(id);

and repeat the join with foo2 instead of foo, index scans are used
even when seqscans are not forbidden.

> [...]
> It might be interesting to replace csquared with just
> fabs(indexCorrelation) to see if the results are better.  Also, if you
> cared to step through the code with a debugger or add some printout
> statements, we could learn what the min and max costs are that it's
> interpolating between; that'd be interesting to know as well.

OK, this is what I've changed:

- csquared = indexCorrelation * indexCorrelation;
+ elog(NOTICE, "min_IO_cost = %f, max_IO_cost = %f, indexCorrelation = %f",
+               min_IO_cost, max_IO_cost, indexCorrelation);
+ csquared = fabs (indexCorrelation);

Are these the addtional values you wanted to see?

These are the results:

max=# EXPLAIN analyze SELECT count(
      FROM foo, bar WHERE = bar.ref2foo;

NOTICE:  min_IO_cost = 299.000000, max_IO_cost = 1196.000000
         indexCorrelation = -1.000000
NOTICE:  min_IO_cost = 1.000000, max_IO_cost = 3.993322
         indexCorrelation = -1.000000
NOTICE:  min_IO_cost = 5880.000000, max_IO_cost = 1169154.985307
         indexCorrelation = -0.532557
NOTICE:  min_IO_cost = 1.000000, max_IO_cost = 3.999660
         indexCorrelation = -0.532557

Aggregate  (cost=18709.65..18709.65 rows=1 width=8)
           (actual time=7229.15..7229.15 rows=1 loops=1)
  ->  Hash Join  (cost=911.39..18613.58 rows=38431 width=8)
                 (actual time=208.23..7184.68 rows=38431 loops=1)
        ->  Seq Scan on foo
                  (cost=0.00..9400.72 rows=352072 width=4)
                  (actual time=0.02..810.92 rows=352072 loops=1)
        ->  Hash  (cost=683.31..683.31 rows=38431 width=4)
                  (actual time=149.87..149.87 rows=0 loops=1)
              ->  Seq Scan on bar
                     (cost=0.00..683.31 rows=38431 width=4)
                     (actual time=0.02..83.32 rows=38431 loops=1)
Total runtime: 7229.29 msec

max=# EXPLAIN analyze SELECT count(
      FROM foo2, bar WHERE = bar.ref2foo;

NOTICE:  min_IO_cost = 299.000000, max_IO_cost = 1196.000000
         indexCorrelation = -1.000000
NOTICE:  min_IO_cost = 1.000000, max_IO_cost = 3.993322
         indexCorrelation = -1.000000
NOTICE:  min_IO_cost = 5741.000000, max_IO_cost = 1163366.000920
         indexCorrelation = 1.000000
NOTICE:  min_IO_cost = 1.000000, max_IO_cost = 3.999652
         indexCorrelation = 1.000000

Aggregate  (cost=12748.26..12748.26 rows=1 width=8)
           (actual time=687.08..687.08 rows=1 loops=1)
  ->  Merge Join  (cost=0.00..12652.18 rows=38431 width=8)
                  (actual time=0.44..633.53 rows=38431 loops=1)
        ->  Index Scan using foo2_pkey on foo2
                  (cost=0.00..10387.79 rows=352072 width=4)
                  (actual time=0.26..174.32 rows=38432 loops=1)
        ->  Index Scan using idx_bar_ref2foo on bar
                  (cost=0.00..807.74 rows=38431 width=4)
                  (actual time=0.17..180.34 rows=38431 loops=1)
Total runtime: 687.31 msec

Re: Indexes not always used after inserts/updates/vacuum analyze

Tom Lane
> Are these the addtional values you wanted to see?

Yes, but I just noticed something else strange:

>         ->  Index Scan using foo2_pkey on foo2
>                   (cost=0.00..10387.79 rows=352072 width=4)
>                   (actual time=0.26..174.32 rows=38432 loops=1)

The actual rows read from this indexscan seem to be many fewer than
the number of rows in the table.  What are the ranges of the id values
in tables foo and bar?  I'm wondering if the merge could have stopped
far short of the end of the foo table; if so, *that* is the effect that
we are failing to model accurately.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Indexes not always used after inserts/updates/vacuum

Reinhard Max

On Thu, 28 Feb 2002 at 16:10, Tom Lane wrote:

> >         ->  Index Scan using foo2_pkey on foo2
> >                   (cost=0.00..10387.79 rows=352072 width=4)
> >                   (actual time=0.26..174.32 rows=38432 loops=1)
> The actual rows read from this indexscan seem to be many fewer than
> the number of rows in the table.  What are the ranges of the id
> values in tables foo and bar?  I'm wondering if the merge could have
> stopped far short of the end of the foo table; if so, *that* is the
> effect that we are failing to model accurately.

Good guess :)

max=# SELECT 'bar' AS tablename, min(ref2foo), max(ref2foo),
      count(ref2foo) FROM bar
      UNION SELECT 'foo', min(id), max(id), count(id) from foo;

 tablename |   min    |   max    | count
 bar       | 10000010 | 10049999 |  38431
 foo       | 10000010 | 10423442 | 352072
(2 rows)

I'll tell my colleague (it's his test database, after all) that he
should take more realistic test data before complaining about bad


Re: Indexes not always used after inserts/updates/vacuum analyze

Tom Lane
Reinhard Max <> writes:
>> The actual rows read from this indexscan seem to be many fewer than
>> the number of rows in the table.  What are the ranges of the id
>> values in tables foo and bar?  I'm wondering if the merge could have
>> stopped far short of the end of the foo table; if so, *that* is the
>> effect that we are failing to model accurately.

> Good guess :)

> I'll tell my colleague (it's his test database, after all) that he
> should take more realistic test data before complaining about bad
> performance...

Actually, is it unrealistic test data?  After thinking about it awhile,
I concluded that this is an effect the planner could and should model.
We have statistics that will tell us the maximum values of both
variables (at least in common cases), so it's not hard to estimate which
input stream will be exhausted first and how much of the other one will
actually be read.  This could make a big difference in the cost of an
indexscan-based merge.

I have committed changes for 7.3 that do this.  It's probably too big a
change to risk back-patching for 7.2.1, but if you care to experiment
with CVS tip then you could try it out.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Indexes not always used after inserts/updates/vacuum

Reinhard Max

On Fri, 1 Mar 2002 at 09:37, Tom Lane wrote:

> Reinhard Max <> writes:
> > I'll tell my colleague (it's his test database, after all) that he
> > should take more realistic test data before complaining about bad
> > performance...
> Actually, is it unrealistic test data?

maybe not from the Database's point of view, but certainly from the
application's. It is unrealistic insofar as it doesn't match the
scenario very good it was meant to be a test case for.

I think customer IDs usually appear in a more or less strict ascending
order and foreign keys that reference them are likely to be rather
equally distributed over the IDs or at least not that much biassed
towards one end of the ID range.

When I thought about the structure of this test data and experimented
with an ascending ordered copy of the address table, I rememered a
feature I've once seen in Informix. I think they call it "clustering"
or something the like.  I don't remember the precise syntax, but it
was possible to order a table's rows physically by a given column.

Do you think it would be worth the effort to add support for such a
thing to the VACUUM command? I could imagine it to improve situations
where long tables have to be joined very often.

The syntax I have in mind is something like: "VACUUM foo ORDER BY id"
or simply "VACUUM foo(id)".

Another way would be to enhance the DDL so that the table itself could
be told which column(s) to order by and then a "VACUUM ORDER" would
physically re-order the tables by that column(s).

> I have committed changes for 7.3 that do this.  It's probably too
> big a change to risk back-patching for 7.2.1, but if you care to
> experiment with CVS tip then you could try it out.

Hopefully I find some time to have a look at it when SuSE Linux 8.0 is

Thanks for all your help, Tom.

Greetings from Nuremberg,
