Thread: Bug #603: time() problems with PostgreSQL 7.2

Bug #603: time() problems with PostgreSQL 7.2

Ricardo Ryoiti Sugawara Junior ( reports a bug with a severity of 2
The lower the number the more severe it is.

Short Description
time() problems with PostgreSQL 7.2

Long Description
time('now') used to work but it doesn't work anymore in PostgreSQL 7.2.

Sample Code
carteirinhas=# \d registros
Table "registros"
Column | Type | Modifiers
matricula | integer |
resp | character varying(50) |
tipo | character(1) |
nome | character varying(50) |
data | date |
hora | time without time zone |
baixa | boolean |

carteirinhas=# select time('now');
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "'";

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Re: Bug #603: time() problems with PostgreSQL 7.2

Tom Lane
Date: writes:
> time('now') used to work but it doesn't work anymore in PostgreSQL 7.2.

TIME is a reserved word now, or at least more reserved than it used to
be, because we've added some SQL92 syntax that wasn't supported before.

    CAST('now' AS time)

In the INSERT command you showed originally, I don't actually believe
that you need any cast at all.

            regards, tom lane