Thread: Bug #602: Chinese characters query bug.

Bug #602: Chinese characters query bug.

Young ( reports a bug with a severity of 2
The lower the number the more severe it is.

Short Description
Chinese characters query bug.

Long Description
db=> select objectid, name from state where countryOId=39 and name='xxx' order by name; 
     (Here xxx is a Chinese state word.)

    Then I got the outputs:

 objectid | name 
      669 | xxx1
      670 | xxx2
      674 | xxx3
      680 | xxx4
      682 | xxx5
      687 | xxx6
      688 | xxx
(12 rows)
    The names are all different in Chinese. You can see from 
the results that the answers are not an unique one. The default 
state choosed the first one. But actually it should be the one whicha's oid = 688.

Sample Code

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Re: Bug #602: Chinese characters query bug.

Tatsuo Ishii
Not sure what version of PostgreSQL or what kind of platform you are
using, I would say this may be a bug with the locale database of your
OS.  Try disable locale support of PostgreSQL.
Tatsuo Ishii

> Young ( reports a bug with a severity of 2
> The lower the number the more severe it is.
> Short Description
> Chinese characters query bug.
> Long Description
> db=> select objectid, name from state where countryOId=39 and name='xxx' order by name;
>      (Here xxx is a Chinese state word.)
>     Then I got the outputs:
>  objectid | name
> ----------+------
>       669 | xxx1
>       670 | xxx2
>       674 | xxx3
>       680 | xxx4
>       682 | xxx5
>       687 | xxx6
>       688 | xxx
> ...
> (12 rows)
>     The names are all different in Chinese. You can see from
> the results that the answers are not an unique one. The default
> state choosed the first one. But actually it should be the one whicha's oid = 688.
> Sample Code
> No file was uploaded with this report
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