Thread: Bug #589: JDBC KEY_SEQ in getImportedKey starts at 0

Bug #589: JDBC KEY_SEQ in getImportedKey starts at 0

David Goodenough ( reports a bug with a severity of 2
The lower the number the more severe it is.

Short Description
JDBC KEY_SEQ in getImportedKey starts at 0

Long Description
getImportedKey from DatabaseMetaData returns a ResultSet and in that
ResultSet are values with a key KEY_SEQ.  In Postgresql this starts
at 0, but DB/2 and MySql both start at 1.  I can find no document
which requires a particular start for JDBC, but the ODBC docs do
require this to start at 1.

Change is needed to both jdbc2/ and the jdbc1
version.  There is a short seq = 0; which needs to be changed to
short seq = 1;

Sample Code

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