Thread: Bug #507: Granting insert on a table does not grant update to the ralated sequence

Bug #507: Granting insert on a table does not grant update to the ralated sequence

Antonis Kanavouras ( reports a bug with a severity of 3
The lower the number the more severe it is.

Short Description
Granting insert on a table does not grant update to the ralated sequence

Long Description
I recently upgrated to PostgreSQL 7.1.3 from 7.0.something (I don't remember exactly)

I dumped my databases, intstalled PostgreSQL v 7.1.3 and created my databases from the text-dump. The users privileges
wereallready set-up correctly on the tables. But everytime a user -other than the db owner- tried to insert a row in a
tablein witch he had append permission he got an error message. The reason: he had no update privilegde to the
sometable_id_seq.('id' in my case is an autoincrementing integer just to identify the row). I solved it so: 

somedb# GRANT UPDATE ON sometable_id_seq TO someuser ;

but I think that this must be granted automaticaly when I grant insert to someuser on sometable.

Antonis Kanavouras

Sample Code

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