> Sherwin Daganato (win@email.com.ph) reports a bug with a severity of 3
> I have migrated a production database from 7.0.3
> to 7.1.3 successfully. Then I was trying to load this
> database (7.1.3) to a development machine with
> another 7.1.3 when I encounter the error. It is not
> clear in the docs that sysid should be positive and
> the error message is a little bit confusing.
peter=# select version();
PostgreSQL 7.0.2 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc 2.96
(1 row)
peter=# create user someuser with sysid 0;
ERROR: sysid must be positive
> Why not print "sysid must be greater than zero"?
Isn't that the same thing?
> Why is it that zero sysid is allowed in 7.0.3 and not in
> 7.1.3?
> .
It was never really allowed, although it's possible that older version
weren't so careful in checking. However, I'm fairly sure that the
relevant CREATE USER code was the same in 7.0.* and 7.1.*.
Peter Eisentraut peter_e@gmx.net http://funkturm.homeip.net/~peter