Thread: maybe a bug?

maybe a bug?

Łukasz Odziewa
I have problem with new PGSQL 7.1.3

I've a table like that TT ( V VARCHAR(10), D DATE, I INTEGER);
and query "SELECT V || '</TD><TD>' || D || '</TD><TD>' || I FROM TT;"

In version 7.1.2 result is '$V</TD><TD>$D</TD><TD>$I' when $? means text
representation of ?. It's always true even if any $? is NULL.

In version 7.1.3 result is '$V</TD><TD>$D</TD><TD>$I' or NULL if any of
$? is NULL.

Is that change of result intended? (as going to SQL 92?)


Re: maybe a bug?

Tom Lane
Łukasz Odziewa <> writes:
> I have problem with new PGSQL 7.1.3
> I've a table like that TT ( V VARCHAR(10), D DATE, I INTEGER);
> and query "SELECT V || '</TD><TD>' || D || '</TD><TD>' || I FROM TT;"

> In version 7.1.2 result is '$V</TD><TD>$D</TD><TD>$I' when $? means text
> representation of ?. It's always true even if any $? is NULL.

> In version 7.1.3 result is '$V</TD><TD>$D</TD><TD>$I' or NULL if any of
> $? is NULL.

The behavior you attribute to 7.1.3 is correct, and would have been the
same in any 7.1.* release.  I do not believe that 7.1.2 would have been

Try COALESCE(foo::text, '') if you want to substitute an empty string
for NULL values.
        regards, tom lane