Thread: Problem with Euro currency symbol with JDBC-Driver on WinNT

Problem with Euro currency symbol with JDBC-Driver on WinNT

wolfgang ( reports a bug with a severity of 3
The lower the number the more severe it is.

Short Description
Problem with Euro currency symbol with JDBC-Driver on WinNT

Long Description
The Euro currency symbol isn´t stored right int a String field after an insert with JDBC.

 Server:  PostgreSQL 7.1.2 on SuSE Linux 7.0
          => initdb -E LATIN 1

 Client:  WinNT 4.0, JDBC7.1-1.3.jar
          Java 1.3

  JDBC-Statement:   insert into texte (stringfield)  values ("<\200>")

  => The symbol is stored as "?".

There are no problems with psql and the same enviroment!!!

in "" => ExecSQL(x,x) you get a wrong
Encoding for WinNT! If you set it to "Cp 1252" all would by fine for
this enviroment. But than other clients on Unix get thier problem ??

Sample Code

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