"pg_ctl restart" seems to not work as documented in postgresql 7.1.2.
bash-2.04$ /usr/bin/pg_ctl restart -w -D /var/lib/pgsql/data -m fast
waiting for postmaster to shut down......done
postmaster successfully shut down
/usr/bin/postmaster: invalid argument -- '-D'
Try '/usr/bin/postmaster --help' for more information.
waiting for postmaster to
pg_ctl: postmaster does not start
(it was ctrl-C'ed after taking forever in "start...")
The documentation says this is a valid combination, or am I missing something?
[root@xyzzy2 data]# pg_ctl --help
pg_ctl is a utility to start, stop, restart, and report the status
of a PostgreSQL server.
pg_ctl start [-w] [-D DATADIR] [-s] [-l FILENAME] [-o "OPTIONS"]
pg_ctl stop [-W] [-D DATADIR] [-s] [-m SHUTDOWN-MODE]
pg_ctl restart [-w] [-D DATADIR] [-s] [-m SHUTDOWN-MODE] [-o "OPTIONS"]
pg_ctl status [-D DATADIR]
Common options:
-D DATADIR Location of the database storage area
-s Only print errors, no informational messages
-w Wait until operation completes
-W Do not wait until operation completes
(The default is to wait for shutdown, but not for start or restart.)
If the -D option is omitted, the environment variable PGDATA is used.
Options for start or restart:
-l FILENAME Write (or append) server log to FILENAME. The
use of this option is highly recommended.
-o OPTIONS Command line options to pass to the postmaster
(PostgreSQL server executable)
-p PATH-TO-POSTMASTER Normally not necessary
Options for stop or restart:
-m SHUTDOWN-MODE May be 'smart', 'fast', or 'immediate'
Shutdown modes are:
smart Quit after all clients have disconnected
fast Quit directly, with proper shutdown
immediate Quit without complete shutdown; will lead
to recovery run on restart
Report bugs to <pgsql-bugs@postgresql.org>.
[root@xyzzy2 data]#
Trond Eivind Glomsrød
Red Hat, Inc.