Thread: Better dump of foreign key data

Better dump of foreign key data

Iván Baldo ( reports a bug with a severity of 4
The lower the number the more severe it is.

Short Description
Better dump of foreign key data

Long Description
When you dump a database wich has tables that have foreign keys, it dumps a lot of things regarding foreign keys that
aren'tvery much normal-idiot human readable. 
It would be nice to have it dump things like "status integer references statuses(cod)" when dumping a table, instead of
alot of "internal-like" things. 
I wonder if someday the handling of foreign keys changes, then maybe the dumped data could not be restored easily, and
alsoits nice to have clean data about the schema of a database, etc. 
This criteria should be applied to other things like simple indexes, they should be created using the "unique" keyword
onthe table creation (though this slows down the restore, there should be an option to pretty-dump :) ...). 
All in all, this is a suggestion for more cleaner and pretty dumps.

Sample Code

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