Thread: odbc and linux bugs?

odbc and linux bugs?

Lonnie Cumberland
Hello, I have been trying for a VERY LONG time to get PostgreSQL 7.0.x
to talk to various odbc managers such as unixODBC and OpenLink iODBC
which is the latest. The problem is that no matter what I try, I am
getting the errors that it cannot connect to the database server. My
development system is a PIII 500Mhz running Mandrake Linux 7.2 and I
have installed the Postgresql 7.0.3 mdk rpms and also Postgresql-odbc
7.0.3-8mdk.rpm as well with the drivers. With OpenLink iODBC version
2.50-3, my configuration files are: odbc.ini ; ; odbc.ini ; [ODBC Data
Sources] OpenLink = OpenLink (MT) [PostgreSQL] Description = PostgreSQL
driver for Linux Driver = PostgreSQL Trace = Yes TraceFile =
/tmp/sql.log Host = localhost ServerType = PostgreSQL FetchBufferSize =
99 UserName = Password = Database = ServerOptions = ConnectOptions =
Options = ReadOnly = no Port = 5432 ;Protocol = 6.4 ;RowVersioning = No
;ShowSystemTables = No ;ShowOidColumn = No ;FakeOidIndex = No
;ConnSettings =
------------------------------------------------------------------ and
[PostgreSQL] Description = PostgreSQL driver for Linux Driver =
/usr/lib/ Setup = /usr/lib/ FileUsage = 1
------------------------------------------------------------------- I
have tried to simply run the "postgresql" script located in the
/etc/init.d directory and also have tried to run: su -l postgres -c
"postmaster -i -d 2 -p 5432 -D /var/lib/pgsql/data " but in every case
it seems to be the same thing and I am not sure if your drivers are
working. My goal is to use PosegreSQL 7.0.3 with MetaHTML to interface
to some HTML code for our site being developed. Can you please help???
Best Regards, Lonnie Cumberland