Thread: ECPG, cursors and transactions

ECPG, cursors and transactions

Ing. Pavel Janousek ( reports a bug with a severity of 2
The lower the number the more severe it is.

Short Description
ECPG, cursors and transactions

Long Description
When I use ECPG in transactions I got some bad results - I think that this results are bug, but I'm not sure... (Pglib
implementation?,ECPG implementation?) 

When I use ECPG like this:
exec sql include sqlca;
exec sql whenever sqlerror do sqlprint ();
exec sql connect...
exec sql declare cur cursor ....
exec sql open cur;
exec sql whenever not found do break;
while (1)
   exec sql fetch in cur into ...

Re: ECPG, cursors and transactions

Christof Petig
Date: wrote:

> Ing. Pavel Janousek ( reports a bug with a severity of 2
> The lower the number the more severe it is.
> Short Description
> ECPG, cursors and transactions
> Long Description
> When I use ECPG in transactions I got some bad results - I think that this results are bug, but I'm not sure...
(Pglibimplementation?, ECPG implementation?) 
> When I use ECPG like this:
> exec sql include sqlca;
> exec sql whenever sqlerror do sqlprint ();
> exec sql connect...
> exec sql declare cur cursor ....
> exec sql open cur;
> exec sql whenever not found do break;
> while (1)
> {
>    exec sql fetch in cur into ...


exec sql set autocommit to off;

does not fix your problems then please give more details. (program output etc.) IMHO this should be the default - but
unfortunatelyit isn't ... 
