Thread: Concat error in PL/pgsql

Concat error in PL/pgsql

Hans Peter Wuermli
I don't have a bug template at hand.

Within a plpgsql function, concatenating TEXT strings from tables that allow NULL values return nil results. Please run
thefollowing. The result of the second select is nil. 

Cheers, H.P.


create table tconcattest (id char(3),str text);

insert into tconcattest values('hpw',text('Something...'));
insert into tconcattest values('wuh',text('and more of something.'));

create function fconcattest () returns text as'
    r record;
    output text;
    output := text('''');
    for r in select * from tconcattest loop
          output := output || r.str;
    end loop;
    return output;
' language 'plpgsql';

select fconcattest();

insert into tconcattest values('abc',NULL);

select fconcattest();

update tconcattest set str='...again' where id='abc';

select fconcattest();

Re: Concat error in PL/pgsql

Tom Lane
Hans Peter Wuermli <> writes:
> Within a plpgsql function, concatenating TEXT strings from tables that
> allow NULL values return nil results.

That's not a bug: NULL concatenated with anything produces NULL,
per SQL92 specification.

If you want a NULL to act like an empty string, try

    for r in select * from tconcattest loop
          output := output || coalesce(r.str, '''');

            regards, tom lane

RE: Concat error in PL/pgsql

"Andrew Snow"
Simple add lines as shown:

>     for r in select * from tconcattest loop
        IF r.str IS NOT NULL THEN
>             output := output || r.str;
        END IF;
>     end loop;

- Andrew

RE: Concat error in PL/pgsql

"Andrew Snow"
A few hours ago, I wrote:
> Simple add lines as shown:
> >     for r in select * from tconcattest loop
>         IF r.str IS NOT NULL THEN
> >             output := output || r.str;
>         END IF;
> >     end loop;

This would probably be better:

    for r in select * from tconcattest where str is not null loop
        output := output || r.str;
    end loop;