Thread: RPM install weirdness & BugreportPage Bug

RPM install weirdness & BugreportPage Bug

Thomas Linden
Hash: SHA1


Today I tried to install postgresql 7.0.2 from RedHat-6.x rpm
packages. These are the relevant rpm's I found:

But unfortunately I am unable to get it installed, here the log:

seven-of-nine:/home/tom # rpm -Uvh postgresql-server-7.0.2-2.i386.rpm
failed dependencies:
        postgresql = 7.0.2 is needed by postgresql-server-7.0.2-2 is needed by postgresql-server-7.0.2-2
> comment: ok, need to install postgresql-7.0.2-2 first:

seven-of-nine:/home/tom # rpm -Uvh postgresql-7.0.2-2.i386.rpm
failed dependencies:
        postgresql-clients is needed by postgresql-data-6.3.2-10
        postgresql-clients is needed by postgresql-devel-6.3.2-10
> comment: oops, I forgot to download something? But there is no
> package called postgresql-clients* as rpm (so far I can see).
> but perhaps it is not really an own package, perhaps it is included
> in the devel package? so it tried this:

seven-of-nine:/home/tom # rpm -Uvh postgresql-devel-7.0.2-2.i386.rpm
failed dependencies:
        postgresql = 7.0.2 is needed by postgresql-devel-7.0.2-2

After the last message I went back to your ftp server (in fact, it was a
mirror) and looked for that postgresql-clients* and postgresql-data*
thingies. But it wasn't there :-(

I suggest a little bit more investigation and testing before publishing
rpm packages, a rpm package must be installable unless it cannot find a
required package. if this is the case, then this package must be
available. Any other behavior is just a joke. Sorry about that, just my

Another interesting thing has happened to me while I tried to use the
bugreport webpage to inform somebody about the rpm-problem mentioned
above. So I first searched in your faqs for rpm-problems, but there wasn't
any, so next I tried to search the bug-database (I really don't want to
report a well known issue), I simply searched for "rpm" and got the
following response:

Warning: PostgreSQL query failed: ERROR: parser: parse error at or near
"" in /home/projects/pgsql/ftp/www/html/bugs/bugs.php on line 347
couldn't get bug id


so, I hope someone is reading this email and (much better) maybe get back
to me with some helpful hints.

kind regards, Thomas

- --
=> PGP key:
=> "Experience is what you got  when
=>  you did not get what you wanted."
Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: RPM install weirdness & BugreportPage Bug

Thomas Lockhart
> I suggest a little bit more investigation and testing before publishing
> rpm packages, a rpm package must be installable unless it cannot find a
> required package. if this is the case, then this package must be
> available. Any other behavior is just a joke. Sorry about that, just my
> 0.02$.

The stuff installs well for most people (and will get improvements with
helpful reports of troubles).

I recommend trying the new 7.0.2-21 RPMs Lamar Owens just posted on I would also suggest installing all of the packages
you are interested in (which may be all that are available if you will
be doing a variety of things) in the same invocation of rpm so that rpm
can work out the dependencies.

Also, you are certainly "upgrading" from a previous installed version,
rather than "installing" (postgresql-clients has not been part of the
package for quite some time). Since the packages have been rearranged (a
necessary evil to get the packaging right), rpm may not understand how
they match up, and you will do better to *uninstall* the previous
packages before installing the new ones.


                        - Thomas

Re: RPM install weirdness & BugreportPage Bug

Lamar Owen
Thomas Linden wrote:
> I suggest a little bit more investigation and testing before publishing
> rpm packages, a rpm package must be installable unless it cannot find a
> required package. if this is the case, then this package must be

You must put all the RPM's on the same command line invocation, or it
won't work.  There are circular dependencies in the old packaging, which
cannot be rid of unless you upgrade all at once.

Although, you may still get problems with the postgresql-data package --
like Thomas said, you may be better off dumping your data then
uninstalling the old RPM's, and then installing the new.

Are you running RedHat 6.x?  RedHat 6.0 shipped PostgreSQL 6.4.2, RH 6.1
shipped 6.5.2, and 6.2 shipped 6.5.3.  RedHat 7 shipped 7.0.2.  RedHat
5.2 was the last RedHat release that shipped 6.3.2.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

Re: RPM install weirdness & BugreportPage Bug

Thomas Linden
Hash: SHA1

yes, you are right, 6.3.2 was installed (which I never knew!) and
contained that postgresql-clients package. After removing the old
packages, everything worked very well.

Thanks a lot for the help!

regards, Thomas

- --
=> PGP key:
=> "Experience is what you got  when
=>  you did not get what you wanted."

On Thu, 2 Nov 2000, Lamar Owen wrote:

> Thomas Linden wrote:
> > I suggest a little bit more investigation and testing before publishing
> > rpm packages, a rpm package must be installable unless it cannot find a
> > required package. if this is the case, then this package must be
> You must put all the RPM's on the same command line invocation, or it
> won't work.  There are circular dependencies in the old packaging, which
> cannot be rid of unless you upgrade all at once.
> Although, you may still get problems with the postgresql-data package --
> like Thomas said, you may be better off dumping your data then
> uninstalling the old RPM's, and then installing the new.
> Are you running RedHat 6.x?  RedHat 6.0 shipped PostgreSQL 6.4.2, RH 6.1
> shipped 6.5.2, and 6.2 shipped 6.5.3.  RedHat 7 shipped 7.0.2.  RedHat
> 5.2 was the last RedHat release that shipped 6.3.2.
> --
> Lamar Owen
> WGCR Internet Radio
> 1 Peter 4:11
Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see
