Thread: MySQL/PostgreSQL discrepancy

MySQL/PostgreSQL discrepancy

Ken Smith
I believe I have found a bug.  I don't know whether the bug is with
PostgreSQL, MySQL, or the SQL specification.  Please help me to
understand what I have.  Thank you.

PostgreSQL version: 7.0.2
Platform: PentiumIII550x2, 512MB SDRAM, Linux2.2.13, glibc-2.1.2
[ken@ken ken]$ ldd /usr/bin/psql => /usr/lib/ (0x4001b000) => /lib/ (0x4002d000) => /lib/ (0x4005a000) => /lib/ (0x40071000) => /lib/ (0x40074000) => /lib/ (0x40091000) => /usr/lib/ (0x40095000) => /usr/lib/ (0x400ba000) => /lib/ (0x400fb000)
        /lib/ => /lib/ (0x40000000)

Run 'psql', then enter the following except for the select statement

create table test (name char, a int, b int);
insert into test values ('x', 1, 2);
select * from test;
update test set a=3,b=a where name='x';
insert into test values ('y', 1, 2);
update test set b=a,a=3 where name='y';
select * from test;
 name | a | b
 x    | 3 | 1
 y    | 3 | 1
drop table test;

I am used to MySQL so I expected the following from the select
 name | a | b
 x    | 3 | 3
 y    | 3 | 1

Which behavior is the correct?

Re: MySQL/PostgreSQL discrepancy

Tom Lane
Ken Smith <> writes:
> create table test (name char, a int, b int);
> insert into test values ('x', 1, 2);
> update test set a=3,b=a where name='x';
> select * from test;
>  name | a | b
> ------+---+---
>  x    | 3 | 1

This is correct ...

> I am used to MySQL so I expected the following from the select
> statement.
>  name | a | b
> ------+---+---
>  x    | 3 | 3

> Which behavior is the correct?

MySQL is evidently evaluating the assignments left-to-right, and using
the updated values of prior columns in subsequent expressions.
Unfortunately for MySQL, that is unquestionably a violation of the SQL
spec.  I refer you to SQL92 section 3.10 <update statement: searched>,
General Rule 6:

         6) The <value expression>s are effectively evaluated for each row
            of T before updating any row of T.

There is no other way to read that except that the expressions are all
to be evaluated using the *old* values of the row.

            regards, tom lane

Re: MySQL/PostgreSQL discrepancy

Philip Warner
At 15:28 27/10/00 +0900, Ken Smith wrote:
>Which behavior is the correct?

To quote from the stanard:

    "Each <update source> is effectively evaluated for the current
    row before any of the current row's object rows is updated"

So I'd say MySQL is wrong.

Philip Warner                    |     __---_____
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Re: MySQL/PostgreSQL discrepancy

Stephan Szabo
> Run 'psql', then enter the following except for the select statement
> output.
> ---BEGIN---
> create table test (name char, a int, b int);
> insert into test values ('x', 1, 2);
> select * from test;
> update test set a=3,b=a where name='x';
> insert into test values ('y', 1, 2);
> update test set b=a,a=3 where name='y';
> select * from test;
>  name | a | b
> ------+---+---
>  x    | 3 | 1
>  y    | 3 | 1
> drop table test;
> ---END---
> I am used to MySQL so I expected the following from the select
> statement.
>  name | a | b
> ------+---+---
>  x    | 3 | 3
>  y    | 3 | 1
> Which behavior is the correct?

I believe ours...
From update positioned:
"The <value expression>s are effecitvely evaluated before
updating the object row.  If a <value expression> contains a
reference to a column of T, then the reference is to the value
of that column in the object row before any value of the object
row is updated."

From update searched:
"The <value expressions> are effectively evaluated for each row
 of T before updating any row of T."