Thread: initdb bug in Postgres on Ultrasparc platform

initdb bug in Postgres on Ultrasparc platform

Silvio Macedo

Regarding the email I sent yesterday about a bug when running initdb in a
Linux/Ultraparc machine, I want to add that I have found the problem.

There is a simple fix for the bug that I detected.

In the src/backend/utils/adt/name.c ,
the function nameeq(), will fail on linux/ultrasparc because sometimes
strncmp will return -256, which when casted to bool, gives 0

What you do is
    return (bool) strncmp(...) == 0
and you should do
        return (bool) (strncmp(...)==0)

because otherwise, if strncmp returns -256, the bool cast will make it 0,
which is not what you want.

I will send a proper bug report with the patch in a few minutes.

Silvio Emanuel Nunes Barbosa de Macedo                               
Imperial College, University of London                         INESC Porto
Intelligent and Interactive Systems                Telecom. and Multimedia
Exhibition Road,                                       Pc da Republica, 93
London SW7 2AZ, England                            4050-497 PORTO PORTUGAL
Tel:+44 171 5946323                                    Tel:+351 22 2094220