Thread: Re: BUG in pg backend?

Re: BUG in pg backend?

Vince Vielhaber
On Wed, 22 Sep 1999, Matt Bernstein wrote:

> I tried to submit a bug report online, but the bug page was "not found".
> That's definitely a bug! Please forward the SQL bug below to whoever deals
> with backend bugs.

Fixed and CC'd bugs list.


> Cheers,
> Matt
> --8<----8<----8<--
> BUG in AVG() ???
> Observe this (in psql):
> --8<--
> mcsbeta4=> \d cregistrations
> Table    = cregistrations
> +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+-------+
> |              Field               |              Type                |
> Length|
> +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+-------+
> | candno                           | text                             |
> var |
> | student                          | text not null                    |
> var |
> | course                           | text not null                    |
> var |
> | cattempt                         | int2                             |
> 2 |
> | ayear                            | text not null default defaultaye |
> var |
> | cwptoverall                      | numeric                          |  5.2
> |
> | examresult                       | numeric                          |  5.2
> |
> | result                           | numeric                          |  5.2
> |
> | finalresult                      | numeric                          |  5.2
> |
> | resultcode                       | text                             |
> var |
> | progressioncode                  | text                             |
> var |
> +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+-------+
> Index:    cregistrations_pkey
> mcsbeta4=> select AVG(examresult) from cregistrations;
> ERROR:  overflow on numeric ABS(value) >= 10^-1 for field with precision 0
> scale 1723
> mcsbeta4=> select SUM(examresult)/COUNT(examresult) from cregistrations;
>      ?column?
> -------------
> 44.2075493061
> (1 row)
> --8<--
> Why does AVG(examresult) fail where SUM(examresult)/COUNT(examresult)
> succeeds? Bizarre :)

Vince Vielhaber -- KA8CSH   email:   flame-mail: /dev/null
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