Thread: Backend Deadlock

Backend Deadlock

    Hi, I've been struggling with a problem where visual basic 5 seems
to like to deadlock the backend, I've checked again and again if it's
something I'm doing, however it never deadlocked DB/2(which I'm
converting this project from)...

    The problem can be resolved by turning off DECLARE/FETCH in the ODBC

    Basically what happens is when I go to UPDATE a table everything
freezes, postgres shows "UPDATE waiting" and any further selects, etc.
from that table merely "wait"... Forever... I can reproduce this on
demand, 100% of the time(one of my forms just loves to do it)  I have
both an ODBC trace and a "-d 2" trace from postgres which I can EMail
upon request....

    Could someone tell me how to further track this problem?(I'd like to
use declare/fetch), or where I should send my log files for perusal?

Thank you in advance,
