Thread: pgloader 3.3.1

pgloader 3.3.1

Dimitri Fontaine

It is my great pleasure to announce the general availability of the new
version of pgloader. This version is already available in your official
debian distribution and the PostgreSQL community managed RPM repository
so that it's easy for you to try it today!

Pgloader loads data into PostgreSQL using the COPY streaming protocol.
Pgloader supports different kinds of data source, from CSV files to live
databases connections, and knows how to fully migrate from a source
database to PostgreSQL, schema and data included.

See for a quick start of
pgloader, including this full example:

   Migrating from MySQL

   Just create a target PostgreSQL database and have pgloader do the
   migration (table definitions, type casting, indexes, foreign keys,
   constraints, etc) for you in a single command line:

   createdb pagila
   pgloader mysql://user@localhost/sakila pgsql:///pagila

New in pgloader version 3.3.1 is the ability to target a pre-existing
PostgreSQL target database and retain the schema and constraint
definitions found there, which allows to migrate the data from MySQL,
sqlite or MS SQL server when using an ORM software in charge of porting
the schema to PostgreSQL.

For more information, see the github repository for pgloader, where the
project is fully open source. pgloader uses The PostgreSQL License and
welcomes contributions and bug reports!
