Thread: LuaPgSQL-1.6.0 released

LuaPgSQL-1.6.0 released

Marc Balmer
It's my pleasure to announce version 1.6.0 of LuaPgSQL, the Lua interface to PostgreSQL.

This version fixes bugs, makes the API more Lua friendly (e.g. by returning true/false instead
of integer values) and simplifies part of the code.

It fully supports Lua 5.3.3 and is available as usual on

Is it for you or should you go with LuaSQL instead?  That depends on whether you just need
a few simple and probably database agnostic SQL statements or if you want to use the many
advanced features of PostgreSQL like asynchronous notifications etc.  LuaPgSQL is not
a database agnostic interface, it is specifically for PostgreSQL, where it supports all
functionality that the C interface does as well (plus some "Luaisms" that come in handy).