Thread: Postgres Conference China 2015 is to be held in Beijing from 20th - 22th November 2015



Postgres Conference China 2015 is to be held in Beijing from 20th - 22th November 2015.


The detail of the conference is published at:   (Chinese) (English)


This is the first time we hold the event in a formal business hotel, Park Plaza Beijing Science Park. The first day(20th) will be the session in Chinese, People from PingAn, the biggest insurance company in China, will give a keynote about Postgres adoption experience, also China Mobile will give a talk about their initial adoption of Postgres-XC, and there are a lot of use cases. The second day(21th) will be session in Bilanguage, it is focusing on Postgres Cluster, we had invited community members, Tatsuo Ishii,Suzuki Koichi, Mason Sharp, KaiGai Kohei,Oleg Bartunov,  Alexander Korotkov to give talks to us. And the last day(22th) is the Postgres-XC/XL relative developers meetings, major members in the Postgres-X communities will gather together to discuss the future development.


We want to thanks our sponsors Shang Rong, EnterpriseDB, Highgo database, NEC, Alibaba, WoQu. Also our guest speakers are sponsoring by their companies: SRA OSS, NTT Data Intellilink, Huawei, Postgres Professional, we really appreciate their sponsorship to our event.


Hope you can join us in this autumn in Beijing. Looking forward to meet you.


If you have any question, please contact me (


Best Regards

Galy Lee