Thread: PG Partition Manager (pg_partman) 2.0.0 Released

PG Partition Manager (pg_partman) 2.0.0 Released

Keith Fiske
The next major version of pg_partman has been released.

The biggest new feature is there is now a background worker process
( for
partition maintenance. This means, for most cases, a separate
scheduler is no longer required. This also means that PostgreSQL 9.4
at a minimum is required for 2.0.0. See the README and doc file for
more info on setting this up.

There are also now no longer distinct partition trigger types (static &
dynamic). These have been combined into a single trigger format that
better handles a wider range of incoming data to partition sets. Instructions for migrating existing partition sets can be found in the extension update file (pg_partman--1.8.7--2.0.0.sql).

The primary download location is github -
It can also be found on pgxn -

Keith Fiske
Database Administrator
OmniTI Computer Consulting, Inc.