Thread: PG Partition Manager (pg_partman) 2.0.0RC1

PG Partition Manager (pg_partman) 2.0.0RC1

Keith Fiske
The next major version of pg_partman is soon to be released. Looking for some feedback before then since there has been some significant changes (and this is my first time writing C!).

The biggest being there is now a background worker process ( for partition maintenance. This means, for most cases, a separate scheduler is no longer required. This also means that PostgreSQL 9.4 at a minimum is required for 2.0.0. See the README and doc file for more info on setting this up.

There are no longer distinct partition trigger types (static & dynamic). These have been combined into a single trigger format that better handles a wider range of incoming data to partition sets.
Instructions for migrating existing partition sets can be found in the extension update file (pg_partman--1.8.6--2.0.0.sql).

New version is in it's own repo -

Keith Fiske
Database Administrator
OmniTI Computer Consulting, Inc.