Thread: SwissPUG now open for members

SwissPUG now open for members

Markus Wanner
Dear PostgreSQL Users,

I'm pleased to announce that we recently founded the Swiss PostgreSQL
Users Group, an association under Swiss law. And we are now ready to
accept further members. To join us, please simply fill our online form here:

The bylaws are available from the same website and the membership fee
was set to CHF 50 per year. If you have any further question, please
don't hesitate to contact us via email to: or come
talk to us at the next Swiss Postgres Conference, where we briefly
present the association as well. See:

We're looking forward to interested parties from all parts of
Switzerland and hope to help PostgreSQL to thrive and get the
recognition it deserves - in Switzerland, too.

Markus Wanner
for the board