Thread: pg_shard 1.1 Extension for Scaling Out PG is Released

pg_shard 1.1 Extension for Scaling Out PG is Released

"Terry Erisman"

pg_shard 1.1, an open source extension for scaling out PostgreSQL across a cluster of commodity servers, has been released by Citus Data. pg_shard can support a database with hundreds of billions of events while creating a highly available database cluster.


Changes in this release include:


·        Improved performace  INSERT commands run up to four times faster

·        Shard repair — Easily bring inactive placements back up to speed

·        Copy script — Quickly import data from CSV and other files from the command line

·        CitusDB integration — Expose pg_shard’s metadata for CitusDB’s use

·        Resource improvements — Execute larger queries than ever before


For more information about recent changes, you can view all the issues closed during this release cycle on GitHub.


Further information on cstore_fdw can be found on the Citus Data website at


pg_shard can be downloaded from GitHub at


If you have questions about pg_shard, please contact Citus Data using the pg_shard Google group at!forum/pg_shard-users.




Terry Erisman
